Culina 6 Quart Pot {Review + Giveaway!}

I am always on the lookout for great new products for the kitchen. On my list of need to review would be a great set of knives, cutting boards, peelers (they are not all created equal!) and pots and pans. It should be noted I receive many emails requesting that I review products for the blog. I do not review them all, and if I choose to review an item it is only after I have tested it out myself and found it to be a good quality product that I myself would purchase. I received this Culina Pasta Pot (with Insert and Lid) Heavy Gauge Stainless Steel 6-Quart, (Dishwasher Safe!) to review and I liked it so much I asked them for a second one to include in a giveaway to one of you readers. With Passover approaching one lucky winner will enjoy a their very own 6 QT pot with steamer insert and lid to cook all of the delicious grain free recipes I will be sharing on the blog!
Since it arrived in the mail I have used it to cook 1. sweet and sour meatballs 2. quinoa 3. corn 4. pasta and 5. vegan alfredo sauce with chicken. All of the above cooked beautifully in the pot and clean up was no fuss. (seriously, even the meatballs and alfredo sauce cleaned up nicely without much scrubbing!) It’s a fantastic pot since you can steam, boil and use it to strain what you cook. I also love that it comes with Culina’s 100% satisfaction guarantee. I never know what to expect when I review an item and often I might like it but not find much use for it afterwards. In the short time that I have had the pot it has already become a staple in my kitchen!
Purchase the Culina 6 Quart Pot with Steamer Insert & Lid
If you can’t want to wait for the giveaway winner to be announced you can purchase the pot directly, along with other Culina products, by heading over to Amazon.
Stay updated with all of the latest Culina has to offer by viewing their website HERE and following them on Facebook, and on Twitter and Pinterest.
For a chance to win this in time for all of your Passover cooking, enter the raffle below. Happy cooking!
** Please note raffle is valid for U.S. residents only
1. To enter raffle, leave a comment below letting me know what you would like to cook in the pot if you win it!
2. For an additional chance to win, follow @kosherinthekitch on Instagram and leave a comment letting me know you did.
3. For an additional chance to win, follow @thekosherkitch on facebook and leave a comment letting me know you did.
4. For an additional chance to win, follow @thekosherkitch on twitter and leave a comment letting me know you did.
5. For an additional chance to win, follow Culina Collection on Facebook and leave a comment letting me know you did.
6. For an additional chance to win, follow @culinaTM on Pinterest and leave a comment letting me know you did.
7. For an additional chance to win, follow @culina_cookware on Twitter and leave a comment letting me know you did.
I was provided with the product above from Culina Collection. No other compensation was received. All thoughts and opinions stated here are my own.
THIS GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED! The winner of this giveaway is Annette.
127 thoughts on “Culina 6 Quart Pot {Review + Giveaway!}”
I would use it for pasta and steaming veggies..
:) I hope I win.
Id use for my shabbos chicken soup! (Following on Instagram as well!)
I would probably make some homemade tortilini. I saw a great recipe on instructables.
I would love to use it for my passover cooking. I would use it for matzah ball soup.
I’m gonna make pasta, pasta and more pasta to get rid of all the chometz! Love your recipes and probably goning to make the pop tart hamentashen this week but in square form :-)
Hi! I just got married and I am making my first pesach this year without my parents . I would love to win these pots!! They look amazing! There is this recipe that I am looking forward to trying it’s is short ribs cooked in veggies and a little water . Sounds delicious they suggest using a big pot like this! Don’t have any pesach pots so this would def make me excited for pesach!
Hi Tova!
Mazal tov!
I’m Julie from Culina! heres a coupon for the pasta pot and steamer 30% off on Amazon the coupon is CULINAME :)
I would definitely cook pasta in it, and probably soups where I wanted lots of flavor but more of a clear broth (using the built-in strainer).
Already a follower in Facebook.
I would cook barley to make soup
Looks like a great pot I would cook meatballs and pasta in it.
to boil potatoes on pesach for karpas, mashed potatoes, chremselach ………….
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Would love to cook a nice roast in the pot. Maybe a minute steak with some veggies and wine. I follow you on Instagram and Facebook. Hope I win :-)
Wow, if I were to win this pot what would I cook in it….. I’m thinking something pareve. Maybe quinoa in the pan and then yummy steamed fresh veggies in the insert saving time and energy! Simple and easy.
Veggie soup would be Great.
I follow you on Instagram.
turkey matzah ball soup.
turkey matzah ball soup🎀
Pesach noodles for my kids
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Definitely not pasta! Following on facebook
Don’t know yet – waiting for your recipes!
Kreplach and sweet and sour stuffed cabbage rolls YUM!
I steam fish and vegetables.
I would use it for pasta :)
I really really hope I win!!! I would cook couscous with a chickpea and vegetable stew mix to add more flavor. Or maybe like a rice pilaf mix for the boyfriend and I since we are always going to potloscks :-)
me! Me! Me!
I would love to make yummy vegetable soup in that gorgeous pot!
I follow kosherin the kitch on facebook
I follow kosherin the kitch on Instagram
I follow kosherinthekitch and culina collect on Twitter
I would make cacerole wine prune pesach chicken and steam on top zoodles
This would be great for matzah ball soup, potatoes,etc! Would make Passover cooking just a little easier.
This pot seems so versatile! The first thing I’d make would be spaghetti and meat sauce.
I follow you on instagram
mmm definitely making chicken soup!
chicken soup!!!
These pots are just the ones that I was looking for. As Pesach approaching, and all its cleaning beauty,its nice to have a healthy delicious meal steaming out of such beautiful pots. I just see my small red potatoes cooking and delicious steaks steaming on top of it with some veggies leaving an amazing aroma and juicy taste to my food😊 hope my dreams will come true and my Pesach meals will be filled with a rich flavor to my food.
I would use it for pasta, definitely!
I would steam veges, make diff types of soups… Hope to win!
i follow kosher in the kitch on facebook
i follow culina collection on facebook
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I would use this pot to make soup, Beef bourguignon, and lots of other tasty creations.
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I would make Quinoa and a Tart Cherry Chicken Stew In This Beautiful Pot
following culina collection on pinterest
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I would make sweet potato, bacon and sage pasta. Yum!
I follow @thekosherkitch on Facebook as Cindy Aiton.
I follow @thekosherkitch on Twitter as @normawatson.
I follow Culina Collection on Facebook as Cindy Aiton.
I follow @culinaTM on Pinterest as Cindy Aiton.
I follow @culina_cookware on Twitter as @normawatson.
I follow @kosherinthekitch on Instagram as norma_watson.
Love it! Such a great pot!
Hi, I would like to cook soups, steam vegetables, prepare stews, make pasta,.. and try variety of different things. I mostly cook with vegetables as I’m a vegetarian.. I really would like to win these as I cannot afford even on offer. Thank you for putting this giveaway.
I’m following @thekosherkitch on facebook
following @thekosherkitch on twitter
Following Culina Collection on facebook
following @Culina_Cookware on twitter
following culinaTM on pinterest
I would use it for matzah ball soup!
I follow @thekosherkitch on facebook!
I follow @thekosherkitch on twitter.
I follow Culina Collection on Facebook.
Exciting – maybe fish and veggies? Will check back for recipes regardless of winning :)
Hi! This pot is perfect for making a Quinoa Cholent with wine, quinoa, tomatoes, onion, marrow bones and beef cheeks.
Brussels sprouts!
Following on Twitter (@channynn)
I would use that gorgeous pot for steaming veggies, something we eat several times a week.
I am following you on instagram @rusthawk1.
I am following you on facebook as Rust Hawk.
I follow Culina on facebook as Rust Hawk.
I am following Culina on pinterest as rusthawk.
I follow Culina on twitter @rusthawk.
I would use this pot to make unstuffed cabbage meatballs & steam my cauliflower for a kugal for pesach.
As big as it is you could almost roast a turkey!!! I would use it primarily for stews. When we make stew we usually make enough for a few meals, and this large pan certainly gives us an opportunity to do that.
I follow @kosherinthekitch on Instagram as 1froglegs
I follow @thekosherkitch on facebook as David Lintz
I follow @thekosherkitch on twitter as @1froglegs
I follow Culina Collection on Facebook as David Lintz
I follow @culinaTM on Pinterest as 1froglegs
I follow @culina_cookware on Twitter as 1froglegs
Hi! Id love to win this to make all different types of soups! Thanks for an amazing giveaway!
id steam fish and veggies, make noodles. the possibilities are endless!
I’d want to cook all sorts of soups!!
Following you on insta as @iamalighthouse!
Following on twitter @MunchTalks
I would use it for a nice, hearty chicken and matzo ball soup :)
Following on insta, FB and twitter!
I’m getting married after Pesach and need pots to stock up my new kitchen! My husband-to-be likes chicken soup, so I would like to make that for him in this pot. I’m a big fan of quinoa myself so I’d like that also. I’d like to make other recipes from your site too once I get the hang of it!
I’d cook pastas and soups.
I follow you on twitter @amylou61
I Follow culina collection on twitter @amylou61
What a great pot! I’d use it to steam vegetables and to make big pots of soup.
I followed you on Instagram (@agratefulattitude).
I liked you on Facebook (Annette P)
I followed you on Twitter (@ThatTuxedoCat).
I already liked Culina Collection on Facebook (Annette P)
I was already following Culina Collection on Twitter (@ThatTuxedoCat).
I was already following Culina Collection on Pinterest (@polishedgirl).
I would cook pasta in this pot.
I follow @kosherinthekitch on Instagram as birdiebee52.
I follow (Like) @thekosherkitch on Facebook as Terry Stevens.
I follow @thekosherkitch on Twitter as birdiebee52.
I follow (Like) Culina Collection on Facebook as Terry Stevens.
I follow Culina Collection on Pinterest as birdiebee52.
I follow Culina Collection @Culina_Cookware on Twitter as birdiebee52.
I would love to cook a good heart beef stew in this pot!
I follow @kosherinthekitch on Instagram: 4orangecrush
I follow @thekosherkitch on facebook: Michele Cupp
I follow @thekosherkitch on twitter: @mtndew_addict
I follow Culina Collection on Facebook: Michele Cupp
I follow on Pinterest: 4orangecrush
I follow @culina_cookware on Twitter: @mtndew_addict
I’d like to cook tortellini in this pot.
I would cook pasta with veggies.
I follow culinaTM on Pinterest (Kelly Saver)
It looks like a good pot for making soup and matza balls